01249 814806
Acupuncture & Massage
Whatʼs it all about?
Health is about balance and harmony between ourselves and our natural environment.
Liv's philosophy is to stimulate the body's healing process, eliminate stress or pain, and bring balance to the body, mind and spirit using Chinese medical theory, acupuncture and massage.
Acupuncture boosts the bodyʼs innate ability to heal, while massage relaxes and mends.
Acupuncture is a key tool in stimulating the body’s innate healing mechanisms. It works by regulating the flow of Qi (energy) through the body's meridians, addressing blockages or imbalances that may cause pain, stress, or illness.
A divine mix of organic beauty products, old school facial techniques and ancient acupuncture to heal your skin and help it glow.
Massage promotes a holistic healing process by improving circulation, relaxing the nervous system, and supporting cellular repair. It is a valuable tool for injury recovery and overall wellness.