01249 814806

Discover the power of Acupuncture
The goal of Acupuncture is to stimulate the body's internal resources so it can heal itself.
How does it do this?
When a needle pierces the skin, it bursts the mast cells which lie close to the surface causing a number of reactions, one being an increase in blood flow to the area. As the needle is inserted, sensory nerves fire messages up to the mid-brain, activating key regulatory centres which respond by releasing endorphins, adenosine (a natural pain killer) and anti-inflammatories. The effect of an individual needle is determined by where it is placed in the body and which nerves are stimulated.
Is there medicine in the needle?
No! The medicine is in your body, the needles help direct the flow.
The western medicine version calls it "dry needling" because no synthetic chemicals are injected into the body.
Liv's needles are as thin as a strand of hair, but strong enough to pierce the skin.
Isn't the body always trying to find "equilibrium"?
Yes, but sometimes it needs a little nudge. We don't use all our brain or muscle power, the same goes with our immune system. Acupuncture reminds the body what it needs to be doing, it is the "spark in the machine". And by working with the body's energy pathways, acupuncture clears blockages, restores the smooth flow of Qi, and allows the body to return to a natural state of balance.
What is Qi?
It's another type of cheese! Jokes! It is another word for the life force that powers every living phenomena from rocks to the sun, water to soil, from mice to cheese! The Chinese have over 400 uses and meanings for the word. As a pictograph, it usually sits with other characters such as the spiritual practice of Qi Gong which translates as "work/skill cultivation".
The word Qi is mostly used in the context of change and transformation - stimulating Qi in someone's body (as is the case with acupuncture or massage), stimulates a process of change. In fact, the Chinese character for Qi depicts a bowl of rice cooking over a stove with clouds of steam rising up. In essence, metabolism!
How many sessions will I need?
Liv recommends up to 6 treatments. That said, no two patients are the same. Some feel an immediate difference, others take longer. Once the improvements start, they will continue with each treatment.
How long will each treatment take?
The first session is 60mins long. Liv takes your medical history to understand the full picture of your health from sleep patterns, to diet, to poo!
Thereafter, 45mins - 1hr.
How much?
£65 per treatment.
What can acupuncture help with?
Most things to some degree!
According to the British Acupuncture Council, specific benefits include relief from:
Anxiety, chronic fatigue, depression, endometriosis, erratic menstrual cycles, female and male infertility, fibromyalgia, headaches, insomnia, IBS, long covid, ME, migraines, muscular-skeletal pain, osteoarthritis, PCOS, sciatica, stress.
Do you treat kids?
Yes! Liv obtained her diploma in paediatric acupuncture in 2019. Acupuncture is a safe, effective and gentle treatment for babies and children of all ages. The care she has for children's health is informed by both her experience as a mother and a practitioner. By addressing imbalances early on, she tries to ensure children grow up healthy and happy, reducing strain on the family and creating a strong foundation for a lifetime of wellness.
Needles are not left in and other modalities are often used instead of the needles such as Guasha or Tuina (massage).
After the initial treatment which lasts 45 mins and costs £45, sessions last around 20 mins and cost £35.
How do I book?
Fill out the form on the Contact Liv page (the "Book me in" button below takes you straight there) with your relevant information and she will get back to you within 24hrs.